06 February 2009

11:08 PM
Psychological characteristics of the typical adolescent is a factor that allows the occurrence of substance abuse.
However, it is going to still have other factors that play an important role, namely the environmental factors of this substance. Provides environmental factors influence on teenagers and motivation to trigger the occurrence of substance misuse. In other words, the incidence of substance abuse problems caused by the interaction between environmental influences and psychological condition of young people.

In prevention efforts, actions that can be directed at two target process. The first focused on efforts to prevent adolescents from the environment that is not good and directed to an environment that helps further the development of the adolescent soul. Second effort is to help young people develop themselves in the well and achieve the expected (a process of assistance to the youth, in addition: the influence of the environment outside of the association other than home and school).

So teenagers are in fact three (3) the influence of the same strong, that is, the schools (teachers), the association and the home environment (parents and family); and there are 2 pieces that pull from the outside environment is ugly, and in the process of self teenage si independent and to find himself teak.
In order to guide and direct the development of youth, and the action must be made, the outline will be described below:

1. Attitudes and behavior
The goal of a youth development in general is changing attitudes and behavior of his, from the boyish ways of becoming more mature. Attitudes such as coltish be selfish (egosentrik), always hang up on other people, want the Prevention efforts Problems It Zat

Psychological Characteristics of the typical adolescent is a factor that allows the occurrence of substance abuse.
However, it is going to still have other factors that play an important role, namely the environmental factors of this substance. Provides environmental factors influence on teenagers and motivation to trigger the occurrence of substance misuse. In other words, the incidence of substance abuse problems caused by the interaction between environmental influences and psychological condition of young people.

In prevention efforts, actions that can be directed at two target process. The first focused on efforts to prevent adolescents from the environment that is not good and directed to an environment that helps further the development of the adolescent soul. Second is the effort to help young people develop themselves in the well and achieve the expected (a process of assistance to the youth, in addition: the influence of the environment outside of the association other than home and school).

So teenagers are in fact three (3) the influence of the same strong, that is, the schools (teachers), the association and the home environment (parents and family); and there are 2 pieces that pull from the outside environment is ugly , and in the process of self teenage si independent and to find himself teak.
In order to guide and direct the development of youth, and the action must be made, the outline will be described below: uasan immediately, and are not able to control the deeds, must be able to change other people notice, standing alone, adjust the taste with the fact that control and have done so not harm themselves and others. For that needed attention and guidance from the parents. Parents need to be able to give attention, to give young people the opportunity to try capability. Grant awards and avoid criticism and castigation.

2. Emotional
To gain emotional freedom, young people trying to sever his emotional relationship with parents; he must be trained and learn to choose and determine their own decisions. This behavior is usually accompanied by protest or rebellion. In this case the parents are expected to not do the oppressive, but will try to guide them gradually. Do not try to create the atmosphere of the environment which is sometimes upon it. Children become brassy, rebels and even take the drug addict (drug misuse).

3. Mental - intellectual
In its development of the mental - intellectual teenagers are expected to receive them with the emotional understanding of the advantages and disadvantages himself. That way he can distinguish between the ideals and notion of reality indeed. In the beginning many teenagers think power is influenced by fantasy, in line with the increased ability to think in the abstract. Abstract thoughts that are often not in accordance with the fact that there is and can cause frustration and despair. To overcome these parents needed help in the understanding of self that has the ability based on the ability of these assets. Do not burden young people with various kinds of hope and delusion that it is likely difficult to achieve.
4. Social
To achieve development, adolescents need to learn interact with all people, whether friend or not of the contemporary, as well as similar or different types. There is an obstacle in this case it can cause one environmental association instance is only a particular group and this action can menjurus to substance abuse. As we know that the typical adolescent is the close ties with the group. This raises the idea, how that young people have the attitude and the nature and feeling (Image: discipline and loyalty to friends, parents, and its ideals. In addition we also as parents and teachers, should be able to regenerate a Bkarakter the noble and noble; a courage to do the honorable and helping other people and become a good example.

5. The establishment of identity
End of a youth development is the formation of identity. At this time all previous norms and values is something that came from outside of himself and must be obeyed to avoid impunity, turned into a part of himself and is a specialty, or philosophy of life which is the control for themselves. To get the values and norms are needed to identify the figures according to the assessment in the adolescent is his life. Parents play an important role in this identification process, because they can help with its youth explains in more depth about the role of religion in adult life, giving new meaning to the religious who have been obtaining. To be able to become a figure of identification, these figures must be a pride for teenagers. Figures in the pride that I can only form their own parents or other leaders in the community, whether that is still there and that only comes from the history or story.
For an overview of what can be done of parents and teachers in prevention efforts, can be expressed as follows:
¬ Understanding the attitudes and behavior of adolescents and with his face full of love and patience.
¬ Provide adequate attention both in terms of material, emotional, intellectual, and social.
¬ Provide freedom and regularity, and at the same briefing on the attitudes, feelings and opinions of adolescents.
Creating the atmosphere of the household / family is harmonious, intimate, warm and full of teenagers.
¬ • Provide appropriate awards and achievements of the opinion that good.
¬ • Provide a good example to young people about what is good for teenagers.
¬ • Not expect teenagers to do something that he can not afford it or their parents do not carry it (role models and pattern).
What is presented above is the only passage in general and in its implementation must be adjusted to the conditions that exist in the adolescent self and parents and teachers. With so every parent and teacher should be able to interpret what is and implement it in accordance with what is most important is diharapkan.Yang introducing yourself from the parents before they expect young people to know it himself. In other words, what is expected of young people must be implemented first by parents and teachers.


  1. The most important of all is that parents should always observe all the deeds done by their children also give affection and love on their children.

    Certainly theor children will not fall into the drugs

  2. Hello..I visiting U
    and I want to comment this article

    Oke, your article is very good, I think many people need enjoyed their life
    but they must to concern the good choice for their life

    I am sorry, my english is not enough good


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