12 January 2013

10:23 AM
According to the findings of researchers in Denmark, saturated fat may be associated with reduced sperm counts in men.
This new study finds that young men who ate saturated fats will have a low sperm concentration, according to the New York Daily News. Saturated fats, like those found in cheese and meat, it was not only adds weight to men, but also associated with low sperm counts.According to the study, men who ate saturated fats had 38 percent of sperm concentration and lower sperm counts 41 percent lower than men who eat less fat.According to Tina Jensen, author of the study from Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, can not be said that the fat has a causal effect, but other research has shown that saturated fat intake has shown a connection to other problems, including sperm count.For their study, Jensen and his colleagues surveyed and tested some 701 young Danish man (about 20 years) and checks for the military between 2008 and 2010.They were also asked about the food they ate during the previous three months, and then ask for a semen sample. The researchers then divided the results into four groups depending on how much male energy intake from saturated fat, and compared how much a man's sperm in each group.The men who consumed 11.2 percent of energy from saturated fat had an average sperm concentration of 50 million per milliliter of semen and sperm count a total of about 163 million. That compared to 45 million sperm per milliliter of semen and the amount of 128 million in men who consumed more than 15 percent of energy from saturated fat.The World Health Organization (WHO) states that 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen as a normal number.Although this study can not determine whether factors other lifestyle which may explain the link, Jensen said these findings may partly explain the studies that have found that sperm count has declined over the world.The study has been published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. (Jay)


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